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The weekend of October 16th, I participated in a 24 hour film festival. We were given exaclty one dat to write, film, and edit a short film. My group consisted of myself, Alec Corkill and Tatty Wilson.

The competition started at 3:00 PM on Friday, the 16th, when we were given the guidelines for a short film. There were multiple propmts with certain elements we had to follow. It was slightly difficult because they gave us three different prompts to choose from, giving us more options that were harder to narrow down.

My team went through many ideas before settling on our final story. Each potential idea was a good concept intially, but we kept running in to problems; not having the right actors, plot holes, and losing daylight hours. We shot a short film about a young girl who planned to run away from home. But after reviewing the footage, we slowly started to hate the short film.

Since our team works best with music videos, I came up with the idea to treat the short film like one. We listened to a bunch of music, and slowly started developing ideas that were inspired by the different tunes. Thus, Relic was born.

I didn't sleep for a full 38 hours, and felt like death was coming for me at times, but it was all worth it. We won best editing and best cinematography, which was one of the greatest feeling in the world.

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